EMT, EMS and Paramedic Training

Illinois EMT, EMS and Paramedic Training

Candidate Study Guide for the

Illinois EMT-Intermediate (EMT-I) Licensure Examination

The following information is intended to help you prepare for the Illinois Emergency Medical

Technician-Intermediate (EMT-I) Licensure Examination. Part I of this study guide contains general

information about the profession and testing procedures. Part II provides a content outline, lists the

competencies covered in the examination, and identifies reference materials that support this examination.

Part III includes sample questions to help you prepare for this test.

Part I General Information


EXAMINATION This examination has been developed in collaboration with Illinois Department

of Public Health (IDPH) and representatives of the 11 Illinois Emergency

Medical Service regions. EMT-I licensure is granted only to candidates who

demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the U.S. Department of Transportation

National Standard Curriculum for EMT-I as adapted and approved by IDPH.

TEST VALIDITY The time limit for this examination is 2½ hours. This examination has been

developed to meet strict standards of test fairness and validity to protect the

health and safety of the public.

PHOTO ID Each candidate must present a photo ID and a valid admission notice to be

admitted to any of these examinations. Only a valid Driver’s License, Secretary

of State ID card, or a current passport is acceptable as photographic

identification. If the name on the photo ID does not match the name on the

admission notice, proof of legal name change also must be presented before the

candidate can be admitted to an examination.


Any candidate who needs special accommodations in test-taking procedures

because of a disabling condition must communicate that need in writing with his

or her application. No accommodations can be arranged on the day of a test.


EXAMINATION Candidates who pass this examination will receive their license as an EMT-I

from the Illinois Department of Public Health.


EXAMINATION There are no "make-up" examinations. You may re-register for the next

scheduled examination date.

RE-EXAMINATION Candidates who fail the test will receive information to help them identify

content areas on which they need to improve their performance to pass on a

subsequent attempt. Candidates must register to take the test again through the

resource hospital associated with their EMT-I training program.

(c) 2009, Continental Testing Services, Inc. Page 2

Part II Test Content Outline

This examination was developed in collaboration with a committee of representatives of the 11 Illinois

Emergency Medical Service regions and staff from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Content

areas on the test are outlined below. The examination reflects the U.S. Department of Transportation

National Standard Curriculum for EMT-I as adapted and approved by the Illinois Department of Public


Emergency Medical Technician – Intermediate (EMT-I)

1. Preparation and Professional Issues (8 questions)

A. Introduction to emergency medical care and well-being of the EMT-I

B. Medical, legal & ethical issues

C. The human body

2. Pharmacology, IV Therapy, Medication Administration (8 questions)

A. Drug classifications, routes, actions, administration and security

B. Indications, equipment and principles for medication administration

3. Airway Management and Ventilation (9 questions)

A. Upper airway complications and management

B. Oxygen delivery devices, indications and contraindications

C. Airway maneuvers, intubation techniques and special considerations

4. Patient Assessment (17 questions)

A. Scene size-up and initial assessment

B. Transport decisions and patient history

C. Focused assessments and physical examinations

D. Ongoing assessments and clinical decision making

E. Communications and documentation

5. Trauma (33 questions)

A. Trauma systems and mechanism of injury

B. Hemorrhage and shock

C. Burns and soft tissue injuries

D. Thoracic trauma

F. Head and spine injuries

E. Injuries to the eye, face and neck

G. Abdominal and genitalia injuries

H. Musculoskeletal injuries

6. Medical Emergencies (49 questions)

A. Respiratory emergencies

B. Cardiovascular emergencies

D. Diabetic emergencies

E. Allergic reactions and envenomations

F. Poisonings and overdose emergencies

G. Neurological emergencies

H. Nontraumatic abdominal emergencies

I. Environmental emergencies

J. Behavioral emergencies

K. Gynecological emergencies Page 3

7. Special considerations (20 questions)

A. Obstetrical emergencies and neonatal resuscitation

B. Pediatric emergencies

C. Geriatric emergencies

8. Operations (6 questions)

A. Ambulance operations

B. Access, extrication and hazardous materials emergencies

C. Mass casualty incidents and START triage

D. Responses to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction

Recommended Study Materials

The following references support questions on this examination. These books may be available in public

and academic libraries. They also are available from retail stores or online. All candidates should

prepare for this examination by studying one or more of these references.

Bledsoe, B.E., Porter, B.S., Cherry, R.A. (2004). Intermediate Emergency Care: Principles and

Practice, Prentice-Hall.

AAOS (2005). Intermediate Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 9th

Edition, Beck, R. And Rahm, S., editors. Jones & Bartlett.

Shade, B., Collins, T.E, Wertz, E.N., Jines, S.A. & Rothenberg, M.A. (2007). Mosby’s EMTIntermediate Textbook for the 1999 National Standard Curriculum. Mosby, JEMS.

Medications List for EMT-I from US DOT Curriculum

Aspirin Epinephrine (1:1000)

Adenosine Epinephrine (1:10,000)

Atropine sulfate Furosemide (Lasix)

Bronchodilators (Beta 2 agonists) Lidocaine Hcl 2%

e.g. Albuterol Morphine sulfate

50% dextrose Naloxone (Narcan)

Diazepam Nitroglycerine


The following abbreviations may appear in the EMT-Intermediate Examinations.

ABCs airway, breathing/ventilation, circulatory status

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADH antidiuretic hormone

AED automated external defibrillator

AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome

ALS Advanced Life Support

APGAR appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respirations

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome

ASA aspirin

ATP adenosine triphosphate (body’s energy source)

AV atrioventricular Page 4

Abbreviations (continued)

AVPU Mental status responsiveness check:

alert, responds to verbal or painful stimuli, unresponsive

BLS Basic Life Support

BP or B/P blood pressure

BPM beats per minute

BSI body substance isolation

BVM bag valve mask

CAD coronary artery disease

cc cubic centimeter

c-collar cervical collar

CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention

CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center

CHF congestive heart failure

CISD critical incident stress debriefing

c-spine cervical spine

cm centimeter

c/o complains of or complaining of

CO carbon monoxide

CO2 carbon dioxide

COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (federal legislation providing for

EMTALA and continuation of health insurance)

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CQI continuous quality improvement

D5W 5% dextrose in water

DCAP-BTLS deformities, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations,

burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling

DCFS Department of Children and Family Services

DKA diabetic ketoacidosis

dl or dL deciliter

DNR do not resuscitate

DOT Department of Transportation

ED emergency department

ECG or EKG electrocardiogram

EMD emergency medical dispatcher

EMS Emergency Medical Services

ER emergency room

ºF degrees Fahrenheit

GCS Glasgow Coma Score

gtts/min drops per minute

Hazmat hazardous materials

HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose and throat

HEPA mask high efficiency particulate airborne mask

HHNC hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma

HHNK hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic

HHNS hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HIS common bundle bridging AV node to bundle branches

HIV human immunodeficiency virus

HR heart rate Page 5

Abbreviations (continued)

ICS incident command system

IM intramuscular

IMS incident management system

IV intravenous

J joules

JVD jugular venous distension

KED Kendrick extrication device

kg kilogram

L liter

lbs pounds

LLQ lower left quadrant

LMP last menstrual period

L/min or lpm liters per minute

LOC level of consciousness

LR lactated Ringers solution

LUQ left upper quadrant

MCI multiple casualty incident

mg milligram

MI myocardial infarction

min minute

mL or ml milliliters

mmHG millimeters of mercury

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

MVC motor vehicle collision or crash

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NRM non-rebreather mask

NS normal saline

NSR normal sinus rhythm

O2 oxygen

OB obstetric

OPA oropharyngeal airway

OPQRST onset, provokes, quality, radiation, severity, time

OSHA Occupational Health and Safety Administration

P pulse

PAC premature atrial contraction

Palp palpation

PASG pneumatic anti-shock garment

PCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide

PCR patient care report

Peds pediatrics

PERRL pupils equal and round, regular in size, react to light

pH partial pressure of hydrogen (hydrogen ion concentration)

PO2 partial pressure of oxygen

PPE personal protective equipment

PR or PRI P-R interval

psi pounds per square inch

PVC premature ventricular contraction

QRS ventricular depolarization wave

QT or QTI QT interval Page 6

Abbreviations (continued)

R respirations

RR respiratory rate

Rule of nines Each 9% Whole head, chest, abdomen, anterior each leg, posterior each leg,

upper back, lower back/buttocks, whole arm

1% Perineum

RUQ right upper quadrant

SA sinoatrial

SAMPLE symptoms, allergies, medications, past medical history,

last oral intake, events surrounding the incident

SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus

SIDS sudden death infant syndrome

SL sublingual

SpO2 pulse oximetry

S-T S-T segment

START simple triage and rapid treatment

Sub-q subcutaneous

T or Temp temperature

TB tuberculosis

TBSA total body surface area

TKO to keep open

TIA transient ischemic attack

V-fib or VF ventricular fibrillation

VS vital signs

V-tach or VT ventricular tachycardia

WAP wandering atrial pacemaker

WMD weapons of mass destruction

y/o year old

Part III Sample Questions

All questions on this examination are multiple-choice with one correct answer. Each question is

supported by study materials cited in this bulletin. The answer key appears after these questions.


1. Which of these refers to actions and care that are legally allowed by state law?

A. Standard of care

B. Scope of practice

C. Duty to act

D. Medical direction

2. What does the renal buffer system do when the pH of extracellular fluid rises?

A. Increase the respiratory rate and depth

B. Decrease the respiratory rate and depth

C. Excrete bicarbonate and retain hydrogen

D. Excrete hydrogen and retain bicarbonate Page 7

3. Which of these refers to placing a drug in the space between the teeth or gums and the cheek?

A. Oral

B. Buccal

C. Sublingual

D. Intralingual

4. An adult patient is unresponsive, apneic and pulseless. Which of these medications should be

administered first?

A. Epinephrine

B. Lidocaine

C. Morphine

D. Atropine

5. Which of these is the respiratory center of the brain?

A. Cortex

B. Cerebrum

C. Cerebellum

D. Medulla

6. When performed correctly, endotracheal intubation

A. reduces the risk of aspiration.

B. should be performed before defibrillation.

C. should be accomplished in 40 seconds or less.

D. can only be used in spontaneously breathing patients.

7. An adult patient who is alert has a clear airway, respirations of 12 with cyanosis, and a strong radial

pulse. Which of these is the most appropriate oxygen delivery device for this patient?

A. Nasal cannula

B. Bag valve mask

C. Endotracheal tube

D. Non-rebreather mask

8. What information needs to be reported regarding breath sounds?

A. Whether the bell or diaphragm of the stethoscope is used

B. Tidal volume, rate and the relationship to S1 and S2

C. The timing, pitch and duration of respiration

D. Position of the patient during the assessment Page 8

9. Which of these most accurately describes a patient with two or more adjacent ribs fractured in two

or more places?

A. Hemothorax

B. Flail segment

C. Pneumothorax

D. Tension pneumothorax

10. A patient from a fire has a hoarse voice, soot around the mouth and nares, respirations of 8 and

stridor with decreasing LOC. Which of these would be the best intervention for this patient?

A. Intubation

B. Fluid resuscitation

C. Ventilation by mouth to mask

D. Nebulized bronchodilator treatment

11. Which of the following findings is the most concerning when treating a patient with a suspected

head injury?

A. Pulse ox decreases to 93

B. Pulse ox decreases from 95 to 92

C. Glasgow Coma Score decreases from 13 to 12

D. Glasgow Coma Score decreases from 13 to 10

12. What are albuterol and metaproterenol?

A. Sympatholytic bronchodilators

B. Sympathomimetic bronchodilators

C. Parasympatholytic bronchodilators

D. Parasympatomimetic bronchodilators

13. Which of these refers to pain that results from release of the hand during palpation of a patient’s


A. Peritoneal irritation

B. Abdominal guarding

C. Rebound tenderness

D. Diaphragmatic compensation

14. Hyperventilation syndrome causes

A. excess elimination of CO2.

B. excess elimination of O2.

C. excess accumulation of CO.

D. excess accumulation of CO2. Page 9

15. Which pacemaker has an intrinsic firing rate of 20-40?

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. Bundle of HIS

D. Purkinje fibers

16. A patient is weak and short of breath. Assessment reveals P 48, ECG shows sinus bradycardia, R

24, B/P 88/50 and cool, pale and diaphoretic skin. Which of these is indicated for this patient?

A. Epinephrine

B. Adenosine

C. Atropine

D. Lidocaine

17. Identify this rhythm.

A. Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

B. Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia

C. Premature ventricular contractions

D. Ventricular fibrillation

18. Identify this rhythm.

A. Complete heart block

B. Second degree AV block Mobitz I

C. Second degree AV block Mobitz II

D. Sinus rhythm with premature atrial contractions Page 10

19. Which of the following correctly describes the pharmacologic action of furosemide (Lasix) when

administered to a patient in pulmonary edema?

A. It increases water retention by the kidney to improve circulation.

B. It decreases water retention by the adrenal glands to improve circulation.

C. It causes vasodilation to increase venous capacitance and decrease preload.

D. It causes vasoconstriction to decrease venous capacitance and improve preload.

20. Which of these is more commonly found in a pediatric patient with a high fever than in an adult?

A. Seizure

B. Altered LOC

C. Slurred speech

D. Neurological deficit

21. Which body systems are most affected by narcotics and opiates?

A. Central nervous and gastrointestinal

B. Gastrointestinal and respiratory

C. Respiratory and integumentary

D. Central nervous and respiratory

22. Which of these symptoms is NOT typically associated with a patient experiencing a renal calculi

(kidney stone)?

A. Fever

B. Hematuria

C. Unilateral flank pain

D. Pain radiating to the groin

23. Which of these is the primary objective when responding to a behavioral emergency?

A. De-escalate the situation

B. Ensure scene safety

C. Notify law enforcement

D. Contact a psychologist

24. A patient in her third trimester of pregnancy c/o a headache, spots in her visual field and weight

gain of 20 pounds in the last two weeks. Skin is pale, warm and dry with generalized edema.

Breath sounds are clear bilaterally. VS: BP 160/100, P 80, RR 24. What should the EMT suspect?

A. Retinal detachment

B. Hypertensive crisis

C. Pre-eclampsia

D. EclampsiaPage 11

25. A drop in the neonate heart rate below which of these indicates distress?

A. 140 beats per minute

B. 120 beats per minute

C. 110 beats per minute

D. 100 beats per minute

26. Who should be questioned first when caring for a preschool child?

A. Mother

B. Child

C. Father

D. Caregiver

27. Which of these is the correct way to initiate START triage?

A. Ask patients who can walk to proceed to a designated area.

B. Place a black tag on all patients who are not breathing.

C. Assess the mental status of all patients.

D. Assess the pulse rates of all patients.

28. Which of these biological agents would lead to nausea, vomiting and “food poisoning” symptoms?

A. Ricin

B. Anthrax

C. Botulism

D. Salmonella

Answers for EMT-I Sample Questions

1. B 15. D

2. C 16. C

3. B 17. B

4. A 18. C

5. D 19. C

6. A 20. A

7. D 21. D

8. C 22. A

9. B 23. B

10. A 24. C

11. D 25. D

12. B 26. B

13. C 27. A

14. A 28. D

Candidate Study Guide for the

Illinois EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) Licensure Examination

The following information is intended to help you prepare for the Illinois Emergency Medical

Technician-Paramedic (EMT-P) Licensure Examination. Part I of this study guide contains general

information about the profession and testing procedures. Part II provides a content outline, lists the

competencies covered in the examination, and identifies reference materials that support this

examination. Part III includes sample questions to help you prepare for this test.

Part I General Information


EXAMINATION This examination has been developed in collaboration with Illinois Department

of Public Health (IDPH) and representatives of the 11 Illinois Emergency

Medical Service regions. EMT-P licensure is granted only to candidates who

demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the U.S. Department of Transportation

National Standard Curriculum for EMT-P as adapted and approved by IDPH.

TEST VALIDITY The time limit for this examination is 2½ hours. This examination has been

developed to meet strict standards of test fairness and validity to protect the

health and safety of the public.

PHOTO ID Each candidate must present a photo ID and a valid admission notice to be

admitted to any of these examinations. Only a valid Driver’s License, Secretary

of State ID card, or a current passport is acceptable as photographic

identification. If the name on the photo ID does not match the name on the

admission notice, proof of legal name change also must be presented before the

candidate can be admitted to an examination.


Any candidate who needs special accommodations in test-taking procedures

because of a disabling condition must communicate that need in writing with his

or her application. No accommodations can be arranged on the day of a test.


EXAMINATION Candidates who pass this examination will receive their license as an EMT-P

from the Illinois Department of Public Health.


EXAMINATION There are no "make-up" examinations. You may re-register for the next

scheduled examination date.

RE-EXAMINATION Candidates who fail the test will receive information to help them identify

content areas on which they need to improve their performance to pass on a

subsequent attempt. Candidates must register to take the test again through the

resource hospital associated with their EMT-P training program.

(c) 2007, Continental Testing Services, Inc.

Amended 10/07Page 2

Part II Test Content Outline

This examination was developed in collaboration with a committee of representatives of the 11 Illinois

Emergency Medical Service regions and staff from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Content

areas on the test are outlined below. The examination reflects the U.S. Department of Transportation

National Standard Curriculum for EMT-P as adapted and approved by the Illinois Department of Public


Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic (EMT-P)

1. Preparation and Professional Issues (20 questions)

A. EMS responsibilities and well-being of the EMT-P

B. Medical and legal issues

C. General principles of pathophysiology

D. Pharmacology

E. Vascular access and medication administration

F. Therapeutic communications

2. Airway Management and Ventilation (4 questions)

A. Intubation indications, contraindications, placement and complications

B. Needle cricothyrotomy

3. Patient Assessment (10 questions)

A. History taking and techniques of physical examination

B. Scene size-up, initial assessment, GCS, detailed examination and transport decisions

C. Communications and documentation

4. Trauma (24 questions)

A. Mechanisms of injury

B. Hemorrhage and shock

C. Soft tissue trauma and burns

D. Head and facial trauma

E. Spinal trauma

F. Thoracic trauma

G. Abdominal and pelvic trauma

H. Musculoskeletal trauma

5. Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Medical Emergencies (33 questions)

A. Respiratory emergencies

B. Cardiovascular emergencies

6. Other Medical Emergencies (39 questions)

A. Neurology

B. Endocrinology

C. Allergies and anaphylaxis

D. Gastroenterology

E. Renal and urogenital disorders

F. Toxicology

G. Hematologic disorders

H. Environmental conditions

I. Infectious and communicable diseases


Behavio Obstetrics

ral and psychiatric disordersPage 3

7. Neonatology, Pediatrics and Geriatrics (14 questions)

A. Neonatal assessment and resuscitation

B. Pediatrics

C. Geriatrics

8. Other Topics (6 questions)

A. Abuse and assault

B. Crime scene awareness, disaster response and medical incident command

C. Hazardous materials, domestic preparedness and homeland security

Recommended Study Materials

The following references support questions on this examination. These books may be available in public

and academic libraries. They also are available purchased from retail stores or online. All candidates

should prepare for this examination by studying one or more of these references.

Bledsoe, B.E., Porter, B.S., Cherry, R.A. (2007). Essentials of Paramedic Care, 2




Bledsoe, B.E., Porter, B.S., Cherry, R.A. (2006). Paramedic Care Principles and Practice, 2


Edition, Prentice-Hall.

Caroline, N. (AAOS, 2008). Emergency Care in the Streets, 6


Edition, Jones and Bartlett.

Sanders, M.J., et. al. (2005). Mosby’s Paramedic Textbook, 3


Edition, Mosby.

Medication list for EMT-P from DOT Curriculum

In most instances, dosages are not tested as they vary from System to System unless listed below. Students

should be prepared to answer questions on drug actions, indications, contraindications, and side effects.

adenosine (Adenocard)

albuterol (Proventil) (2.5 mg usual first dose)

amiodarone (may be mentioned with Lidocaine for Rx of ventricular dysrhythmias)



dextrose 50% 50 ml IVP (adult dose for hypoglycemia)

diazepam (Valium) (peds dose: 0.2/0.5 mg IVP/IR)

diphenhydramine (Benadryl)


epinephrine 1:1000 0.3-0.5 mg for bronchospasm

epinephrine 1:10,000 1 mg IVP/IO for code mgt.

furosemide (Lasix)



midazolam (Versed)


naloxone (Narcan)


sodium bicarbonate vasopressin (may be mentioned with Epi 1:10,000 for Rx of V-fib and asystole)

verapamil (offered as an alternative to diltiazem)Page 4


The following abbreviations may appear in the Paramedic Examinations.

ABCs airway, breathing/ventilation, circulatory status

ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADH antidiuretic hormone

AED automated external defibrillator

AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome

ALS Advanced Life Support

AMI acute myocardial infarction

APGAR appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respirations

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome

ASA aspirin

ATP adenosine triphosphate (body’s energy source)

AV atrioventricular

AVPU Mental status responsiveness check:

alert, responds to verbal or painful stimuli, unresponsive

BLS Basic Life Support

BP or B/P blood pressure

BPM beats per minute

BSI body substance isolation

BVM bag valve mask

CAD coronary artery disease

c-collar cervical collar

CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention

CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center

CHF congestive heart failure

CISD critical incident stress debriefing

CISM critical incident stress management

c-spine cervical spine

CNS central nervous system

c/o complains of or complaining of

CO carbon monoxide

CO2 carbon dioxide

COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (federal legislation providing for

EMTALA and continuation of health insurance

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CQI continuous quality improvement

D5W 5% dextrose in water

D50W 50% dextrose in water

DCAP-BTLS deformities, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations,

burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling

DCFS Department of Children and Family Services

DKA diabetic ketoacidosis

dl or dL deciliter


do not resuscitate Department of TransportationPage 5

Abbreviations (continued)

ECG or EKG electrocardiogram

ECRN Emergency Communications Registered Nurse

ED emergency department

EDD esophageal detector device

EMD emergency medical dispatcher

EMS Emergency Medical Services

EOMs extraocular movements

mEq/L milli-equivalents per liter

ET endotracheal

ETT endotracheal tube

ºF degrees Fahrenheit

GCS Glasgow Coma Score

GI gastrointestinal

gm gram

gtts/min drops per minute

Hazmat hazardous materials

HCO3 bicarbonate

HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose and throat

HEPA mask high efficiency particulate airborne mask

HHN hand held nebulizer

HHNC hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma

HHNK hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic

HHNS hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HIS common bundle bridging AV node to bundle branches

HIV human immunodeficiency virus

HR heart rate

HTN hypertension

ICS incident command system

IM intramuscular

IMS incident management system

IV intravenous

IVP intravenous push

IVPB intravenous piggy back

IVR idioventricular

J joules

JVD jugular venous distension

KED Kendrick extrication device

kg kilogram

L liter

lbs pounds

LLQ lower left quadrant

LMP last menstrual period

L/min or lpm liters per minute

LOC level of consciousness

LR lactated Ringers solution

LUQ left upper quadrant

mA milliamps


multiple casu metered dose inhaler

alty incidentPage 6

Abbreviations (continued)

mEq milli-equivalents

mg milligram

MI myocardial infarction

min minute

mL or ml milliliters

mmHG millimeters of mercury

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

MVC motor vehicle collision or crash

NC nasal cannula

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NRM non-rebreather mask

NS normal saline

NSR normal sinus rhythm

NTG nitroglycerin

O2 oxygen

OB obstetric

OPA oropharyngeal airway

OPQRST onset, provokes, quality, radiation, severity, time

OSHA Occupational Health and Safety Administration

P pulse

PAC premature atrial contraction

Palp palpation

PASG pneumatic anti-shock garment

PCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide

PCR patient care report

Peds pediatrics

PERRL pupils equal and round, regular in size, react to light

pH partial pressure of hydrogen (hydrogen ion concentration)

PICC peripherally inserted central catheter

PO2 partial pressure of oxygen

PPE personal protective equipment

PR or PRI P-R interval

psi pounds per square inch

PSVT paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

PTH parathyroid hormone

PtL Pharyngo-tracheal lumen airway (dual lumen airway)

PVC premature ventricular contraction

QRS ECG wave representing ventricular depolarization

QT or QTI QT interval

R respirations

RA room air

RBC red blood cell

RLQ right lower quadrant

RR respiratory rate


Respiratory S revised trauma score

yncytial VirusPage 7

Abbreviations (continued)

Rule of nines Each 9% Whole head, chest, abdomen, anterior each leg, posterior each leg,

upper back, lower back/buttocks, whole arm

1% Perineum

RUQ right upper quadrant

S&S signs and symptoms

SA sinoatrial

SAMPLE symptoms, allergies, medications, past medical history,

last oral intake, events surrounding the incident

SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus

SIDS sudden death infant syndrome

SL sublingual

SOB shortness of breath

SpO2 pulse oximetry

S-T or ST S-T segment

START simple triage and rapid treatment

Sub-q subcutaneous

T or Temp temperature

TB tuberculosis

TBSA total body surface area

TIA transient ischemic attack

TKO to keep open

TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone

V-fib or VF ventricular fibrillation

VS vital signs

V-tach or VT ventricular tachycardia

WAP wandering atrial pacemaker

WMD weapons of mass destruction

y/o year old

Reference Norms

Intrinsic pacing rates SA node 60-100

AV node 40-60

Ventricles 20-40

PR interval 0.12 – 0.20 seconds

QRS duration 0.04 – 0.10 seconds

Carotid pulse = minimum systolic BP of 60 mmHg

Femoral pulse = minimum systolic BP of 70 mmHg

Radial pulse = minimum systolic BP of 80 mmHg

Upper limits of pacing mA = 200

Airway, stroke & cardiac treatment questions reference AHA 2005 ACLS Guidelines

Stroke assessments using Cincinnati quick screen: change in speech, facial asymmetry and arm drift


s fkg

luid= 2.2

res lb

uscitation volumes are calculated at 20 mL/kgPage 8

Part III Sample Questions

All questions on this examination are multiple-choice with one correct answer. Each question is

supported by study materials cited in this bulletin. The answer key appears after these questions.



1. Which of these is NOT required to prove negligence against an EMT?

A. Motive

B. Duty to act

C. Breach of duty

D. Proximate cause

2. What do all etiologies and stages of shock have in common?

A. Tachycardia

B. Hypotension

C. Cellular hypoxia

D. Cool, pale, moist skin

3. A drug comes packaged 2 mg/10 ml. How many milliliters should be administered to a patient who

is prescribed to receive a dose of 0.5 mg?

A. 0.1

B. 0.25

C. 1.0

D. 2.5

4. Which of these is an indication for performing a needle cricothyrotomy on a patient?

A. Massive facial trauma when intubation and/or bag mask ventilation is unsuccessful

B. Partial airway obstruction if patient cannot speak or cough

C. Tension pneumothorax if ventilatory distress is severe

D. Intubation equipment is not available

5. When performed correctly, endotracheal intubation

A. reduces the risk of aspiration.

B. should be performed before defibrillation.


should be accomplished in 40 can only be used in spontaneously breathing patients.

seconds or less.Page 9

6. Which of these symptoms is NOT typically associated with a patient experiencing renal calculi?

A. Pain radiating to the groin

B. Unilateral flank pain

C. Hematuria

D. Fever

7. What injury occurs when compression forces are applied directly to the top of the head and are

transmitted to the cervical spine?

A. Hyperextension

B. Axial loading

C. Hyperflexion

D. Distraction

8. An adult patient has partial thickness burns of the chest, abdomen, perineum and the entire anterior

surface of both legs. Using the Rule of Nines, how much of total body surface area has been


A. 19%

B. 28%

C. 37%

D. 55%

9. A patient from a fire has severe respiratory distress, a hoarse voice, soot around the mouth and

nares, respirations of 32 and stridor. Which of these is the best intervention for this patient?

A. Intubation

B. Fluid resuscitation

C. Ventilation by mouth to mask

D. Nebulized bronchodilator treatment

10. Which of the following findings is the most concerning when treating a patient with a suspected

head injury?

A. Pulse oximetry decreases to 93

B. Pulse oximetry decreases from 95 to 92


Glasgow Coma Score dec Glasgow Coma Score decreases from 13 to 10

reases from 13 to 12Page 10

11. An unrestrained victim of a high-speed MVC has a bruise over the sternum and appears pale and

anxious. VS: BP in the right arm 120/80, left arm 110/72; P 120; R 20, SpO2 96%; ECG ST.

Neck veins are flat, breath sounds are clear and equal, heart tones are normal, abdomen is soft and

non-tender; femoral and pedal pulses are diminished. What injury should the paramedic suspect?

A. Cardiac tamponade

B. Massive hemothorax

C. Thoracic aortic disruption

D. Blunt cardiac injury

12. Which of these refers to pain after release of the hand during palpation of a patient’s abdomen?

A. Shifting dullness

B. Rebound tenderness

C. Abdominal guarding

D. Diaphragmatic compensation

13. What are albuterol and metaproterenol?

A. Parasympatholytic bronchodilators

B. Parasympathomimetic bronchodilators

C. Sympatholytic bronchodilators

D. Sympathomimetic bronchodilators

14. Hyperventilation syndrome causes

A. excess elimination of O2.

B. excess elimination of CO2.

C. excess accumulation of CO.

D. excess accumulation of CO2.

15. A 65 y/o patient with COPD presents with sudden onset of right-sided chest pain and shortness of

breath after coughing vigorously. Neck veins are flat, the trachea is midline, lung sounds are

absent on the right and normal on the left. Assessment reveals no fever or hemoptysis. VS: BP

132/78, P 110, R 30 and shallow, SpO2 92%. What should a paramedic suspect?

A. Spontaneous pneumothorax

B. Hyperventilation syndrome


Pulmo Pleurisy

nary embolismPage 11

16. Identify this rhythm.

A. Ventricular fibrillation

B. Premature ventricular contractions

C. Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

D. Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia

17. Identify this rhythm.

A. Sinus rhythm with premature atrial contractions

B. Second degree AV block Mobitz II

C. Second degree AV block Mobitz I

D. Complete heart block

18. Which of the following correctly describes the pharmacologic action of furosemide (Lasix) when

administered to a patient in pulmonary edema?

A. It causes vasoconstriction to decrease venous capacitance and improve preload.

B. It causes vasodilation to increase venous capacitance and decrease preload.

C. It decreases water retention by the adrenal glands to improve circulation.

D. It increases water retention by the kidney to improve circulation.

19. Which of these findings is associated with Cushing’s triad in the presence of increased intracranial


A. Increased heart rate

B. Jugular vein distention


Increasing systolic b Decreasing systolic blood pressure

lood pressurePage 12

20. Which of these is more commonly found in a pediatric patient with a high fever than in an adult?

A. Seizure

B. Altered LOC

C. Slurred speech

D. Neurological deficit

21. Which body systems are most affected by narcotics and opiates?

A. Central nervous and gastrointestinal

B. Gastrointestinal and respiratory

C. Respiratory and integumentary

D. Central nervous and respiratory

22. Which of these conditions is NOT commonly associated with sickle cell anemia?

A. Renal disease

B. Abdominal pain

C. Excessive bleeding

D. Musculoskeletal pain

23. Which of these is the primary objective when responding to a behavioral emergency?

A. De-escalate the situation

B. Ensure scene safety

C. Notify law enforcement

D. Contact a psychologist

24. A patient in her third trimester of pregnancy c/o a headache, spots in her visual field and weight

gain of 20 pounds in the last two weeks. Skin is pale, warm and dry with generalized edema.

Breath sounds are clear bilaterally. VS: BP 160/100, P 80, RR 24. What should the EMT suspect?

A. Retinal detachment

B. Hypertensive crisis

C. Pre-eclampsia

D. Eclampsia

25. What complication should a paramedic anticipate if there is meconium in the amniotic fluid?

A. Profound hypoglycemia

B. Fetal tachycardia and CHF


An infant with a Primary or secondary apnea

birth defectPage 13

26. Which of these is the preferred site for intraosseous access on a pediatric patient?

A. Distal femur

B. Proximal tibia

C. Distal humerus

D. Proximal radius

27. Where must an Illinois EMT report suspected elder abuse?

A. Emergency department staff

B. The local states attorney

C. The elder abuse hotline

D. The local police

28. Which of these biological agents would lead to nausea, vomiting and “food poisoning” symptoms?

A. Salmonella

B. Botulism

C. Anthrax

D. Ricin

An 1

swers for EMT-P Sample Questions

A 15. A .

2. C 16. D

3. D 17. B

4. A 18. B

5. A 19. C

6. D 20. A

7. B 21. D

8. C 22. C

9. A 23. B

10. D 24. C

11. C 25. D

12. B 26. B

13. D 27. C

14. B 28. A

Candidate Study Guide for the

Illinois EMT-Basic (EMT-B) Licensure Examination

The following information is intended to help you prepare for the Illinois Emergency Medical

Technician-Basic (EMT-B) Licensure Examination. Part I of this study guide contains general

information about the profession and testing procedures. Part II provides a content outline, lists the

competencies covered in the examination, and identifies reference materials that support this examination.

Part III includes sample questions to help you prepare for this test.

Part I General Information


EXAMINATION This examination has been developed in collaboration with Illinois Department

of Public Health (IDPH) and representatives of the 11 Illinois Emergency

Medical Service regions. EMT licensure is granted only to candidates who

demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the U.S. Department of Transportation

National Standard Curriculum for EMT-B as adapted and approved by IDPH.

TEST VALIDITY The time limit for this examination is 2½ hours. This examination has been

developed to meet strict standards of test fairness and validity to protect the

health and safety of the public.

PHOTO ID Each candidate must present a photo ID and a valid admission notice to be

admitted to any of these examinations. Only a valid Driver’s License, Secretary

of State ID card, or a current passport is acceptable as photographic

identification. If the name on the photo ID does not match the name on the

admission notice, proof of legal name change also must be presented before the

candidate can be admitted to an examination.


Any candidate who needs special accommodations in test-taking procedures

because of a disabling condition must communicate that need in writing with his

or her application. No accommodations can be arranged on the day of a test.


EXAMINATION Candidates who pass this examination will receive their license as an EMT-B

from the Illinois Department of Public Health.


EXAMINATION There are no "make-up" examinations. You may re-register for the next

scheduled examination date.

RE-EXAMINATION Candidates who fail the test receive information to help them identify content

areas on which they need to improve their performance to pass on a subsequent

attempt. Candidates must register to take the test again through the resource

hospital associated with their EMT-B training program.

(c) 2007, Continental Testing Services, Inc.

Amended 9/07Page 2

Part II Test Content Outline

This examination was developed in collaboration with a committee of representatives of the 11 Illinois

Emergency Medical Service regions and staff from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Content

areas on the test are outlined below. The examination reflects the U.S. Department of Transportation

National Standard Curriculum for EMT-Basics as adapted and approved by the Illinois Department of

Public Health.

Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMT-B)

1. Preparation and Professional Issues (18 questions)

A. Introduction to emergency medical care and well-being of the EMT-B

B. Medical, legal & ethical issues

C. The human body

D. Vital signs

E. Lifting and moving patients

2. Airway Management, Ventilation and Oxygen Therapy (12 questions)

A. Airway assessment, suctioning and obstructed airway maneuvers

B. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal airways: indications and procedures

C. Oxygen delivery, ventilation and pulse oximetry

3. Patient Assessment (14 questions)

A. Scene size-up, initial assessment and reducing patient anxiety

B. Focused history for trauma and medical patients

C. Detailed physical exams and ongoing assessment

D. Assessing geriatric patients

E. Communication and documentation

4. Medical Emergencies (48 questions)

A. General pharmacology

B. Respiratory emergencies

C. Cardiac emergencies and AED

D. Altered mental status and diabetic emergencies

F. Acute stroke signs & symptoms, assessment and management

E. Allergies, seizures and syncope

G. Poisoning, drug and alcohol emergencies

H. Acute abdominal pain

I. Environmental emergencies, drowning, submersion and diving emergencies

J. Behavioral emergencies

K. Obstetric and gynecological emergencies

Page 3

5. Trauma (39 questions)

A. Mechanisms of injury

B. Bleeding and shock

C. Soft tissue injuries and burn emergencies

D. Musculoskeletal injuries

E. Injuries to the head and spine

F. Injuries to the eye, face and neck

G. Chest, abdomen and genitalia injuries

6. Infants and Children (11 questions)

A. Pediatric assessment and airway anatomical differences

B. Pediatric airway/ventilation management, airway obstruction and respiratory emergencies

C. SIDS, organ perfusion, circulatory impairment/shock and cardiac emergencies

D. Assessment and management of seizures and pediatric trauma

E. Child abuse/neglect indications and mandatory reporting in Illinois

7. Operations (8 questions)

A. Ambulance operations

B. Infection control procedures

C. Scene safety, access, extrication and hazardous materials emergencies

D. Multiple casualty incidents, START triage and weapons of mass destruction

Recommended Study Materials

The following references support questions on this examination. These books may be available in public

and academic libraries. They also are available from retail stores or online. All candidates should

prepare for this examination by studying one or more of these references.

Mistovich, J.J., Hafen, B.Q. & Karren, K.J. (2004). Prehospital Emergency Care, 7th Edition,


Limmer, D. & O’Keefe, M.F. (2005). Emergency Care, 10th Edition, Prentice-Hall.

AAOS (2005). Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 9th Edition, Jones

& Bartlett.

Stoy, W., Platt, T., Lejeune, D.A. (2005). Mosby’s EMT Basic Textbook, 2nd Edition, Mosby.

Medications List for EMT-B from US DOT Curriculum

Albuterol (patient assist in using MDI)

Epinephrine (Epi Pen) for adults and children for application in treatment of allergic reactions and


Nitroglycerin (patient assist) Page 4


The following abbreviations may appear in the EMT-Basic Examinations.

ABCs airway, breathing/ventilation, circulatory status

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

AED automated external defibrillator

AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome

ALS Advanced Life Support

APGAR appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respirations

ANSI American National Standards Institute

AVPU Mental status responsiveness check:

alert, responds to verbal or painful stimuli, unresponsive

BLS Basic Life Support

BP or B/P blood pressure

BPM beats per minute

BSI body substance isolation

BVM bag valve mask

cc cubic centimeter

c-collar cervical collar

CDC Center for Disease Control

CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center

CISD critical incident stress debriefing

c-spine cervical spine

cm centimeter

c/o complains of or complaining of

CO carbon monoxide

CO2 carbon dioxide

COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (federal legislation providing for

EMTALA and continuation of health insurance)

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CQI continuous quality improvement

D5W 5% dextrose in water

DCAP-BTLS deformities, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations,

burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling

DCFS Department of Children and Family Services

dl or dL deciliter

DNR do not resuscitate

DOT Department of Transportation

ED emergency department

EMD emergency medical dispatcher

EMS Emergency Medical Services

ER emergency room

ºF degrees Fahrenheit

GCS Glasgow Coma Score

gtts/min drops per minute

Hazmat hazardous materials

HEPA mask high efficiency particulate airborne mask

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HIV human immunodeficiency virus

HR heart rate Page 5

Abbreviations (continued)

ICS incident command system

IMS incident management system

IV intravenous

J joules

KED Kendrick extrication device

kg kilogram

L liter

lbs pounds

L/min or lpm liters per minute

MCI multiple casualty incident

mg milligram

min minute

mL or ml milliliters

mmHG millimeters of mercury

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

MVC motor vehicle collision or crash

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NRM non-rebreather mask

O2 oxygen

OB obstetric

OPA oropharyngeal airway

OPQRST onset, provokes, quality, radiation, severity, time

OSHA Occupational Health and Safety Administration

P pulse

PASG pneumatic anti-shock garment

PCR patient care report

Peds pediatrics

PERRL pupils equal and round, regular in size, react to light

pH partial pressure of hydrogen (hydrogen ion concentration)

PPE personal protective equipment

psi pounds per square inch

R respirations

RR respiratory rate

Rule of nines Each 9% Whole head, chest, abdomen, anterior each leg, posterior each leg,

upper back, lower back/buttocks, whole arm

1% Perineum

SAMPLE symptoms, allergies, medications, past medical history,

last oral intake, events surrounding the incident

SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus

SIDS sudden death infant syndrome

START simple triage and rapid treatment

TB tuberculosis

TIA transient ischemic attack

VS vital signs

y/o year old Page 6

Part III Sample Questions

All questions on this examination are multiple-choice with one correct answer. Each question is

supported by study materials cited in this bulletin. The answer key appears after these questions.



1. Which of these is the next step an EMT should complete after ensuring scene safety?

A. Provide transport

B. Quality assurance

C. Provide documentation

D. Gain access to the patient

2. Which of these refers to actions and care that are legally allowed by state law?

A. Standard of care

B. Scope of practice

C. Duty to act

D. Medical direction

3. Which of these attributes is generally NOT used to describe a patient’s breathing?

A. Duration

B. Rhythm

C. Quality

D. Rate

4. Which of these is the best estimate of systolic pressure when palpating the femoral pulse of a


A. At least 50 mm/Hg

B. At least 60 mm/Hg

C. At least 70 mm/Hg

D. At least 80 mm/Hg

5. Which of these patients does NOT require administration of supplemental O2?

A. A 24 y/o woman who is breathing 28 times per minute after an argument with her spouse

B. A 6 y/o child with a history of asthma whose breath sounds are silent and who is drowsy

C. A 31 y/o male who is unresponsive due to an overdose of narcotics

D. A 60 y/o patient with a history of COPD who cannot speak more than 2-3 words without

taking another breath Page 7

6. For which of these patients is an oropharyngeal airway contraindicated?

A. A cancer patient without a valid DNR who is in cardiac arrest

B. A suspected stroke patient who has no gag response

C. An unresponsive patient with a blood sugar of 30

D. A trauma patient who is awake and responsive

7. A 4 y/o child was struck by a vehicle and is unresponsive with an apparent head injury. The EMT

detects increasing resistance to ventilation with a BVM. What should the EMT do next?

A. Check the rate of ventilation.

B. Verify that the airway is open.

C. Switch to a flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device.

D. Stop ventilations for one to two minutes to allow trapped air to escape.

8. Which of these is NOT part of the initial assessment?

A. Starting CPR

B. Assessing the airway

C. Splinting open fractures

D. Forming a general impression

9. Where must an Illinois EMT report suspected elder abuse?

A. The local police

B. The elder abuse hotline

C. The local states attorney

D. Emergency department staff

10. Which of these is most appropriate to communicate with a patient who does not speak English?

A. Ask for assistance from a person who can translate.

B. Speak more softly with numerous hand movements.

C. Talk slowly to help the patient understand English.

D. Don’t speak at all while administering care to the patient.

11. Why is oral glucose administered between the patient’s cheek and gum?

A. It minimizes the taste.

B. It prolongs the drug’s action.

C. It is absorbed more easily there.

D. It is easier for the patient to swallow. Page 8

12. Which of these refers to the loss of elasticity of the alveoli leading to a form of COPD?

A. Pneumonia

B. Emphysema

C. Chronic bronchitis

D. Pulmonary edema

13. A 55 y/o patient c/o breathing difficulty with sudden sharp stabbing chest pain after coughing

vigorously. The patient has a severe cold and a history of emphysema. VS: P 110, R 30/min and

labored, BP 98/70; breath sounds are absent on the right and present on the left. What should the

EMT suspect?

A. Pneumonia

B. Chronic COPD

C. Acute bronchitis

D. Spontaneous pneumothorax

14. Which of these is most commonly associated with acute coronary syndrome?

A. Normal pulse and blood pressure

B. Warm, dry, blue-tinged skin

C. Pink, frothy sputum

D. Chest discomfort or pain

15. Which blood glucose value is consistent with hypoglycemia?

A. 60

B. 90

C. 100

D. 150

16. Which of these indicates severe hypothermia?

A. The patient shivers intensely.

B. The patient is no longer shivering.

C. The patient complains of chest pain.

D. The patient complains of intense limb pain and tingling.

17. Which of these is LEAST likely to cause behavioral emergencies?

A. Hypoxia

B. Hypoglycemia

C. Hyperglycemia

D. Drugs or alcohol Page 9

18. What does meconium in the amniotic fluid indicate?

A. The neonate may be in distress.

B. Postpartum hemorrhage is likely.

C. A precipitous delivery may occur.

D. The delivery is progressing normally.

19. When should an APGAR assessment be completed on a newborn?

A. 1 and 10 minutes after delivery

B. 5 and 10 minutes after delivery

C. 3 and 6 minutes after delivery

D. 1 and 5 minutes after delivery

20. A patient presents with abdominal pain after falling from a third-floor window. VS: BP 84/60, P

110, RR 32. The EMT should suspect which stage of shock?

A. Irreversible

B. Retractable

C. Compensated

D. Decompensated

21. A conscious adult patient presents with red, painful skin on the entire back and the entire posterior

of both legs after a day at the beach. Using the Rule of Nines, how much of the body surface area

is burned?

A. 27%

B. 36%

C. 45%

D. 54%

22. Which of these is NOT a common complication of bone fractures?

A. Swelling

B. Hemorrhage

C. Osteoporosis

D. Nerve damage

23. Which of these should be included in the usual treatment for head injuries?

A. Apply the PASG to increase perfusion to the brain.

B. Transport the patient in the Trendelenburg position to treat for shock.

C. Administer high-concentration O2 to help reduce brain tissue swelling.

D. Hyperventilate the patient to blow off CO2 and restore brain cell function. Page 10

24. Which of these is an indication for leaving a helmet in place on a patient?

A. The helmet fits snugly.

B. The helmet is fitted improperly.

C. The helmet interferes with immobilization.

D. The helmet interferes with access to the airway.

25. Which of these most accurately describes a patient with two or more adjacent ribs fractured in two

or more places?

A. Tension pneumothorax

B. Pneumothorax

C. Flail segment

D. Hemothorax

26. Which of these is NOT among the ways that infants and children differ from adults?

A. The child has a proportionally larger head than an adult.

B. Children have a larger total circulating blood volume than adults.

C. Infants have proportionally larger tongues than adults.

D. The child has a larger body surface to mass ratio than adults.

27. Which of these is the most common cause of cardiopulmonary arrest among children?

A. Respiratory arrest

B. Poisoning

C. Seizures

D. Sepsis

28. Which of these biological agents would lead to nausea, vomiting and “food poisoning” symptoms?

A. Ricin

B. Anthrax

C. Botulism

D. Salmonella

Answers for EMT-B Sample Questions

1. D 8. C 15. A 22. C

2. B 9. B 16. B 23. C

3. A 10. A 17. C 24. A

4. C 11. C 18. A 25. C

5. A 12. B 19. D 26. B

6. D 13. D 20. D 27. A

7. B 14. D 21. B 28. D